What’s on our face?



Dear families,

We are very happy to show you once more one of our favourite activities in the English class. These past two weeks we have been learning all about the parts of the face. We start to recognize where we have our eyes, our ears, our mouth and our nose. We love to play peekaboo hiding our whole face and, using the TET material, we can stick different parts in two colourful fabric faces.

We attached some pics where you can see us playing, in little groups, exploring and learning where we can put each part of the face. We also love to repeat what Araceli does and we play a similar game to ‘Simon says’ to learn vocabulary in a fun way!

If you love to play vocabulary games as much as we do, try it at home and see what happens!

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[cs_column column_size=”1/3″ ]  Araceli[/cs_column]





Segueix-nos a les xarxes

Més novetats Mainada


El joc de la descoberta

Hola famílies! Som la classe dels Grocs i Taronges i avui us volem explicar una activitat que vam realitzar fa uns dies. Un matí, després de fer el “Bon dia”,

Llegir més

Recomanacions per l’estiu!

El període de vacances escolar pot ser un temps ple d’oportunitats per a l’aprenentatge i el desenvolupament del vostre fill o filla, alhora que gaudiu del descans i d’estar junts

Llegir més