We love English!


Welcome everybody… it’s English time!!

At Violetes class we are always eager to learn new things and English is one of our favourite subjects!

We love Mr. Ducky and with him we get to learn all about colours, numbers, moods, weather and a lot more of interesting things. We have a beautiful rainbow and we enjoy choosing how are we feeling today… some days we are really happy but perhaps some days we feel a bit sleepy, or hungry, and it’s important to learn all  these words as well. Every week we also introduce a new song that brings us to a new world of words, sounds and images that help us to understand much better this new language we are learning.

This year we started using a new method called TET (Total English Teaching) – where Mr. Ducky comes from- which consists in introducing English in the most natural way, throughout a very strong routine, cheerful songs and a lot of colourful material. We enjoy our daily classes and we always try to make the most of them.

And this month we also started taking Mr. Ducky home in turns and we can surely say that we have a wonderful time together sharing everything we learn at school with our families.

Let’s see whose turn is it next week… And remember to have a smashing time learning English!

See you around!

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[cs_column column_size=”1/3″ ]   Araceli[/cs_column]





Segueix-nos a les xarxes

Més novetats Mainada


El joc de la descoberta

Hola famílies! Som la classe dels Grocs i Taronges i avui us volem explicar una activitat que vam realitzar fa uns dies. Un matí, després de fer el “Bon dia”,

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Recomanacions per l’estiu!

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