Extracurricular activities

Learn about the TET method
The TET (Total English Teaching) method is based on presenting English in real contexts, meaningful and entertaining for children, such as how it would be presented to a child/ new born.
Through routines, songs and diverse material, it is possible for the child to learn in a natural and fun way.
Thursday from 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
50€/month (9 monthly payments from October to June
Registration and material:
Els grups s’obriran si hi ha un mínim de 4 alumnes.
Els alumnes de Mainada que tinguin un germà inscrit en una activitat extraescolar podran gaudir, gratuïtament, de l’hora de permanència a l’escola mentre duri l’activitat del germà.

Why is music taught to children?
Music is an indispensable and fundamental element for good intellectual, personal and sensory child development. We offer learning based on the child’s awareness of music with musical auditions, songs, dances and artistic expression, as well as small percussion instruments.
Tuesday from 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
50 euros/month (9 monthly payments from October to June)
Els grups s’obriran si hi ha un mínim de 4 alumnes.
Els alumnes de Mainada que tinguin un germà inscrit en una activitat extraescolar podran gaudir, gratuïtament, de l’hora de permanència a l’escola mentre duri l’activitat del germà.