Five little monkeys!

Welcome to English class!

Starting English this year was easier for everybody as it’s our second doing the TET method. We already know the colours and the morning routine so we can concentrate on learning more complicated songs.

We always try to choose a song where we can move and dance whilst learning to count or actions. This week it’s the ”Five little monkeys” song that you can find on the Stars book. This song is about Five little cheeky monkeys that love to jump on the bed and they keep falling off it to the delight of your children.

It allows us to learn to count up to 5 and from 5 to 1 which we do using our fingers, counting the puppets or the monkeys on the picture book. In this song we also learn parts of the body like fingers (to count) and head.

It’s a fun song that all the children enjoy and laugh with. I hope you enjoy the video and learn the song with them!

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[cs_column column_size=”1/3″ ]   Laia[/cs_column]



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